We will always enforce Discord's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
Discord's Community Guidelines
If you have any staff complaints, please create a Report Staff ticket in #support or Direct Message Mr Awesome#6228
via Discord, we will deal with them accordingly.
Zero tolerance for NSFW / NSFL content / discussions.
There is zero tolerance for drama, racism, hate speech or hatred towards any user. Negative remarks on communities is also not tolerated.
Any spam or promotions within the Discord or DMs are not allowed. If you see or get anything like this, please create a General ticket in #support.
Pretty self explanatory, please only use English.
Your name may not contain inappropriate/annoying text or formatting.
Impersonation of Killzone Gaming staff.
Nothing is perfect, that includes our rules list. Any loopholes will not be tolerated. We may moderate anything not on this that we deem inappropriate. Use common sense and do not complain when the staff team tries to keep the server a calm and safe environment.
If you see something against the rules or something that makes you uncomfortable, you can create a ticket in #support. If it's something urgent, let a Manager or Head Administrator know. We want this server to be a fun and friendly space!