Skill Surf Commands

VIP Commands

/ve - Creates a vote to extend the map.
/tagteam - Creates a team for the TagTeam style.

Standard Commands

/nextmap - Shows the nextmap.
/timeleft - Shows the timeleft.
/nominate - Opens the map nomination menu.
/b or /bonus - Changes the track to bonus.
/r - Restarts the run.
/style - Opens the Styles Menu.
/settings - Opens up the Settings Menu.

Misc Commands

/paint - Opens the Paint menu.
/music - Opens Sound menu.
/goto - Opens player teleport menu.
/checkpoints - Opens the checkpoints menu.
/pause - Pauses the run. (REQUIRES you to be stationary on a platform).
/noclip | /nc - Toggles noclip.

Style Commands

General Style Commands

/style - Opens the Style menu..
/normal - Changes style to Normal.

Challenge Commands

/challenge - Allows you to start a race against others.
/abort - Aborts your current challenge.

Night Vison Commands

/nvg - Toggles Night Vision mode.

Record Commands

/p - Shows the players profile. (Alternatively via console sm_profile)
/pb - View a player's time on a specific map. (Alternatively via console sm_pb)
/bwr[STYLE] [MAP NAME] - Views bonus records of the desired map, [STYLE] & [MAP NAME] are /wr[STYLE] [MAP NAME] - Views records of the desired map, [STYLE] & [MAP NAME] are optional.

HUD Commands

/master - Toggles HUD.
/hud - Opens the HUD settings menu.
/showkeys - Toggles key display.

Hide Commands

/hide - Toggles hiding players.

Trigger & Brush Commands

/showclips - Toggles showing player Clip Brushes.
/showtriggers - Toggles showing Triggers.

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